Signium International Ibérica will present, in colaboration with ESADE, on January 19th in MAdrid and January 20th in Barcelona the conclusions of a comparative study of law offices and "in-house" legal counsel in spain
The business legal sector in Spain has cultivated a specific culture of discretion and professionalism that does not easily allow for the understanding of its internal functionality. This sector has become more dynamic and has changed significantly in the last decade in Spain.
This investigative study, conducted by ESADE and sponsored by Signium International Ibérica, delineates, within the mission and objectioves of the Law School of ESADE a work of value-added investigation for the legal sector in Spain. In ths presentation the results and the most relevant conclusions extracted from this study will be analyzed.
More Information (Spanish only) >
Bao&Partners / Signium International hosts round table discussion with CEO's of important national and international private banking institutions
Bao&Partners / Signium International hosted at the Hotel Intercontinental in Madrid a round table discussion with the General Directors and CEOs of leading national and international banks to discuss how the economic recession has affected their clients needs, how their institutions are responding and what more can be done to help improve the financial climate for their clients.
Moderated by Ignacio Bao, Chairman of Bao&Partners / Signium International, the morning's agenda was opened with a presentation by Luis Briones, Managing Partner at Baker & McKenzie.
Participation from institutions such as BBVA, Santander, Banco Popular, Credit Suisse, La Caixa, Barclays Wealth, CITI Group, and Rothschild, among others, allowed for an in-depth discussion of the Wealth Management and Private Banking sector in Spain and the greater global context.
Bao&Partners / Signium International and Equipos & Talento hosts round table discussion with Human Resource Directors of leading TIC companies
Bao&Partners / Signium International hosted in their Madrid offices a round table discussion that will be published in the June TIC dossier of Equipos & Talento with participation from Human Resource Directors of various leading companies of the Telecommunications, Information Technology and Communications sectors. Present in the discussion were Alejandro Ceca of Software AG, Esther Centeno of IBM, Jerónimo Corral of Jazztel, Pilar Guitián of Philips, Gregorio Silveira of Yoigo, and Fernando Yarto, Partner at Bao & Partners/Signium International.
Within the context of the current economic climate, the above mentioned executives shared their opinions regarding topics such as new HR policies to face a more challenging business environment; professional profiles needed and those that are no longer in demand; how the current economic climate has affected retribution policies; and outlook for the future of professional talent in the sector.
Bao&Partners / Signium International sponsers the "American news brief" on Radio Intereconomía
Bao&Partners / Signium International brings the top American news headlines to the listeners of Radio Intereconomía during the prime time morning program "Capital" with Luis Vicente. Radio Intereconomía is the only Spanish radio broadcaster that specializes in financial and business information. Broadcast via Internet, radio and television simultaneously, 49% of its audience are executives of banks, corporations and other companies as well as other professionals and entrepreneurs.

Pedro Herraiz, Senior Associate at Bao&Partners / Signium International will present at Capital & Corporate Madrid
The 9th edition of the Capital & Coporate Madrid will take place in the Hotel Meliá Castilla on the 21st and 22nd of October in which Pedro Herraiz, Senior Associate at Bao&Partners / Signium International will present the Salary Analysis in the Private Equity and Investment Bank sectors in Spain as well as give a talk on Strategic positions for Private Equity Portfolios in the main hall at 9:30am on Wednesday the 22nd of October. For adiitional information regarding the event, please contact IFAES at 902 902 282 or on their website at

Bao&Partners / Signium International sponsors the VI Annual ASCRI Golf Tournament
On September 25 the Spanish Association of Private Equity Entities will hold its sixth annual golf tournament at the golf club La Herraría. Bao&Partners / Signium International, as sponsor of the event, will present a special award for the “Longest Drive” on the first hole. The event is scheduled to begin at 9:00am. For additional information regarding the event or to sign up, please visit ASCRI’s website at

Bao&Partners / Signium International sponsors the Capital & Corporate Portugal 2008 event – Venture Capital: Mergers and Acquisitions
The event is one of the most important in the sector and will take place on May 8th at the Hotel Le Meridien in Lisbon. During this event Bao&Partners / Signium International Hill present a discourse on The strategic importance of assessing the management of Human Resources in periods of transition.

Bao&Partners Sponsors the Chambers European Awards
Ignacio Bao will present the winner of the Chambers Europe Award of Excellence for Spain and Portugal in Barcelona. Bao&Partners / Signium International is sponsoring the first European edition of the Chambers Awards which will take place on May 8 in Barcelona. Ignacio Bao will present the winner of the best firm for Spain and best firm for Portugal. For additional information on the Chambers Europe Awards of Excellence please visit the Chambers website.

Bao&Partners participates in the Movilforum Convention
Maribel Ferrero, Managing Director at Bao&Partners / Signium International, will give a presentation on The Most Sought-After Profiles for Telecommunications Directors at the 7th annual Movilforum Convention, organized by Telefónica Movistar. The presentation will take place on the 29th of January at 10:30am in Distrito C, Madrid.
The latest mobile services offered to the business sector are presented each year at the convention. Its goal is to diversify the mobile data market by joining forces between Telefonica Movistar and various development companies in order to offer its clients mobility solutions that meet their business needs.
Registration for the event is free and can be completed online.
We hope to see you there!

Ignacio Bao, reelected president of Signium International
Ignacio Bao has been reelected Global President of Signium International. For a second consecutive year, a Spaniard occupies a position of such responsibility in the Head Hunting sector.
Madrid, October 23-27 2007 - Signium International, one of the most prestigious international Executive Search firms has reelected for the second consecutive year Ignacio Bao as Global President of the company at an event held in Tokyo this past October. Ignacio Bao, during his years as president of Signium International has contributed to the solid growth that has placed the firm within the top Executive Search companies across the globe. Currently the firm has a network of 37 offices strategically positioned in 20 countries, and which has recently expanded with the opening of new offices in San Francisco, New York, Atlanta, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney.
Ignacio Bao, during his new term as President aims for the geographical diversification of the firm and its growth on a global level. “To promote international talent is one the challenges that, as President of Signium International, I have set for myself for this year. I firmly believe that we can achieve a proactive presence in emerging markets such as Asia and Latin America, and that we can reach the opening of 50 offices operating worldwide”, comments Ignacio Bao.
Bao&Partners - Sponsor of the 8th Edition of CapCorp Madrid
Bao&Partners / Signium International will once again sponsor the Capital & Corporate Madrid event - Private Equity: Mergers and Adquisitions: the Sector at present and Networking.
This is one of the sector's most important events and will take place on October 23rd and 24th in the Hotel Meliá Castilla. On this occasion, Bao&Partners / Signium International will present the third edition of the Comparative Analysis of Salaries in the Private Equity and Investment Banking Sector and will also give its perception regarding "Carried Interest: a means of creating loyalty amongst executives".
Bao&Partners/ Signium International sponsors the ASCRI Golf Tournament
Once again, Bao&Partners/ Signium International will sponsor the ASCRI Golf Tournament, an event promoted by the Spanish Association of Private Equity that is intended for Partners and Invited Guests. It will take place on September 20, 2007 in La Herrería, Madrid.
Bao&Partners sponsors the Third Edition of the CapCorp event
Bao&Partners / Signium International sponsors this year the Third Edition of the CapCorp event in Portugal - Private Equity: Fusions and Acquisitions. This event is one of the most important of this sector in Portugal and takes place on May 16, 2007 in the Hotel Le Meridien in Lisbon. On this occasion, Ignacio Bao, President of Bao&Partners / Signium International will share his perception of the market.